
<Style type = "text/css">

.big { color: blue;
font-family: monotype corsiva;
font-size: 38pt;
font-weight: bold}


<script language = "JavaScript">

//Wave Text! by Spookdog (spookydog3@hotmail.com)
//Submitted to DynamicDrive.com
//For this script and more, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com

<!--you can use this on your web page as long as the above stays in the script-->

var TimerID;
var updown = true;
var str = 1;

function start()
if (document.all)
TimerID = window.setInterval( "wave()", 100 );

function wave()
if ( str > 20 || str < 1 )
updown = !updown;

if ( updown )

wft.filters( "wave" ).phase = str * 20;
wft.filters( "wave" ).strength = str;




<div ID = "wft" Style = "width:600px; filter:wave(add=0, freq=4, light=0, phase=0, strength=5)" class = "big">
Welcome to Dynamic Drive</div>
