
Microsoft Outlook bar

  Author: Massimo Guccione

Description: This is a smashing DHTML navigation bar that resembles the OutLook bar of Internet Explorer. Fittingly enough, it only works in IE 4+ as well!

Demo: Look to the left.


Simply download the following file. It contains all the necessary files that make up the script.

Configuring the script

Ok, here comes the dreadful part of configuring the script to integrate it into your own site. Actually, it's not as bad as you may think. It took us about 5 minutes to add and customize the bar for this page, and while we are familiar with DHTML, rest assured that you do not need to know any DHTML to use this script. Here is a general overview of the important files in the zip file, and what you should do with each of them:

outbarsample.html- Launch this file to see a demo of the script
menu.html- Transfer the HTML codes inside this file to the page that will contain the outlook bar
folders.js- Edit this file to configure the links of the outlook bar

As for the rest of the files, just upload them as is into your web directory.

Wordpress Users: Step by Step instructions to add ANY Dynamic Drive script to an entire Wordpress theme or individual Post