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Pop-up v3.0 by Lefteris Haritou All

Name: Lefteris Haritou
Homepage: Homepage
Last updated: 99/12/15 (unlimited submenus support, static menu option etc)
Program status: Freeware with credits shown/ commercial

Description: This is an ultra cool pop up menu script that supports submenus, and works in BOTH IE 4+ and NS 4+. The script comes with an accompanying DHTML program that you use again and again to painlessly create and customize these pop ups. Version 3.0 includes unlimited submenus support, option to have the menu statically positioned and always revealed on the page, and more!

Demo: Left click anywhere inside the "blank" areas of this document to activate the pop-up.


This pop-up menu is generated by Lefteris's Pop-up program, a DHTML application that allows you to simply fill in the blanks, and generates automatically the appropriate menu for you to paste onto your page. You'll need IE 4+ to use this program, although the generated menu is compatible with BOTH IE and NS. To visit the program's homepage, click here. To directly download the program, click here. point.gif (128 bytes)

We suggest you study the source code of the generated script to learn about the advanced techniques used to put together the pop up. It's quite amazing.

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All- Script works with Netscape 4 AND Internet Explorer 4+
NS- Indicates script works with Netscape 4 (NOT NS 6 yet)
IE- Indicates script works with Internet Explorer 4 and above
NS6!- Temporary index set up on script category pages to indicate script works in NS6

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