
all.clsMenuItemNS, .clsMenuItemIE{text-decoration: none; font: bold 12px Arial; color: white; cursor: hand; z-index:100}
#MainTable A:hover {color: yellow;}

<script language="JavaScript">

//Top Nav Bar I v2.1 By Constantin Kuznetsov Jr. (script@esolutiononline.com) 
//Modified by Dynamic Drive for NS6/Opera6 compatibility and code streamlining March 4th, 2002
//Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script

var keepstatic=1 //specify whether menu should stay static (works only in IE4+)
var menucolor="#000000" //specify menu color
var submenuwidth=150 //specify sub menus' color


<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">

<script language="JavaScript" src="menu.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="menucontext.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
<script language="JavaScript">
function UpdateIt(){
if (ie&&keepstatic&&!opr6)
document.all["MainTable"].style.top = document.body.scrollTop;
setTimeout("UpdateIt()", 200);


<!--Contents of menu.js-->

if (document.all) {n=0;ie=1;ns6=0;fShow="visible";fHide="hidden";}
if (document.getElementById&&!document.all) {n=0;ie=0;ns6=1;fShow="visible";fHide="hidden";}
if (document.layers) {n=1;ie=0;ns6=0;fShow="show";fHide="hide";}

//Top Nav bar script v2.1- http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/sm/index.htm


window.onerror=new Function("return true")
// Function Menu() //
rightX = 0;
function Menu()
this.bgColor = menucolor;
if (ie) this.menuFont = "bold 12px Arial"; //default font settings. Don't change. Instead, modify stylesheet in sample.htm
if (n) this.menuFont = "bold 12px Verdana";
this.fontColor = "black";

this.addItem = addItem;
this.addSubItem = addSubItem;
this.showMenu = showMenu;
this.mainPaneBorder = 0;
this.subMenuPaneBorder = 0;

this.subMenuPaneWidth = submenuwidth;

lastMenu = null;

rightY = 0;
leftY = 0;
leftX = 0;

HTMLstr = "";
HTMLstr += "\n";
if (ie||ns6) HTMLstr += "<div id='MainTable' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;'>\n";
// if (n) HTMLstr += "<layer name='MainTable'>\n";
HTMLstr += "<table width='100%' bgcolor='"+this.bgColor+"' border='"+this.mainPaneBorder+"'>\n";
HTMLstr += "<tr>";
if (n) HTMLstr += "<td>&nbsp;";
HTMLstr += "<!-- MAIN MENU STARTS -->\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- MAIN_MENU -->\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- MAIN MENU ENDS -->\n";
if (n) HTMLstr += "</td>";
HTMLstr += "</tr>\n";
HTMLstr += "</table>\n";
HTMLstr += "\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- SUB MENU STARTS -->\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- SUB_MENU -->\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- SUB MENU ENDS -->\n";
HTMLstr += "\n";
if (ie||ns6) HTMLstr+= "</div>\n";
// if (n) HTMLstr+= "</layer>\n";

function addItem(idItem, text, hint, location, altLocation)
var Lookup = "<!-- ITEM "+idItem+" -->";
if (HTMLstr.indexOf(Lookup) != -1)
alert(idParent + " already exist");
var MENUitem = "";
MENUitem += "\n<!-- ITEM "+idItem+" -->\n";
if (n)
MENUitem += "<ilayer name="+idItem+">";
MENUitem += "<a href='.' class=clsMenuItemNS onmouseover=\"displaySubMenu('"+idItem+"')\" onclick=\"return false;\">";
MENUitem += "|&nbsp;";
MENUitem += text;
MENUitem += "</a>";
MENUitem += "</ilayer>";
if (ie||ns6)
MENUitem += "<td>\n";
MENUitem += "<div id='"+idItem+"' style='position:relative; font: "+this.menuFont+";'>\n";
MENUitem += "<a ";
MENUitem += "class=clsMenuItemIE ";
// MENUitem += "style='text-decoration: none; font: "+this.menuFont+"; color: "+this.fontColor+"; cursor: hand;' ";
if (hint != null)
MENUitem += "title='"+hint+"' ";
if (location != null)
MENUitem += "href='"+location+"' ";
MENUitem += "onmouseover=\"hideAll()\" ";
if (altLocation != null)
MENUitem += "href='"+altLocation+"' ";
MENUitem += "href='.' ";
MENUitem += "onmouseover=\"displaySubMenu('"+idItem+"')\" ";
MENUitem += "onclick=\"return false;\" "
MENUitem += ">";
MENUitem += "|&nbsp;\n";
MENUitem += text;
MENUitem += "</a>\n";
MENUitem += "</div>\n";
MENUitem += "</td>\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- END OF ITEM "+idItem+" -->\n\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- MAIN_MENU -->\n";

HTMLstr = HTMLstr.replace("<!-- MAIN_MENU -->\n", MENUitem);

function addSubItem(idParent, text, hint, location, linktarget)
var MENUitem = "";
Lookup = "<!-- ITEM "+idParent+" -->";
if (HTMLstr.indexOf(Lookup) == -1)
alert(idParent + " not found");
Lookup = "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->";
if (HTMLstr.indexOf(Lookup) == -1)
if (n)
MENUitem += "\n";
MENUitem += "<layer id='"+idParent+"submenu' visibility=hide bgcolor='"+this.bgColor+"'>\n";
MENUitem += "<table border='"+this.subMenuPaneBorder+"' bgcolor='"+this.bgColor+"' width="+this.subMenuPaneWidth+">\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->\n";
MENUitem += "</table>\n";
MENUitem += "</layer>\n";
MENUitem += "\n";
if (ie||ns6)
MENUitem += "\n";
MENUitem += "<div id='"+idParent+"submenu' onmouseout=operahide() style='position:absolute; visibility: hidden; z-index:100; width: "+this.subMenuPaneWidth+"; font: "+this.menuFont+"; top: -300;'>\n";
MENUitem += "<table border='"+this.subMenuPaneBorder+"' bgcolor='"+this.bgColor+"' width="+this.subMenuPaneWidth+">\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->\n";
MENUitem += "</table>\n";
MENUitem += "</div>\n";
MENUitem += "\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- SUB_MENU -->\n";
HTMLstr = HTMLstr.replace("<!-- SUB_MENU -->\n", MENUitem);

Lookup = "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->\n";
if (n) MENUitem = "<tr><td><a class=clsMenuItemNS title='"+hint+"' href='"+location+"' target='"+linktarget+"'>"+text+"</a><br></td></tr>\n";
if (ie||ns6) MENUitem = "<tr><td><a class=clsMenuItemIE title='"+hint+"' href='"+location+"' target='"+linktarget+"'>"+text+"</a><br></td></tr>\n";
MENUitem += Lookup;
HTMLstr = HTMLstr.replace(Lookup, MENUitem);


function showMenu()

// Private declaration
function displaySubMenu(idMainMenu)
var menu;
var submenu;
if (n)
submenu = document.layers[idMainMenu+"submenu"];
if (lastMenu != null && lastMenu != submenu) hideAll();
submenu.left = document.layers[idMainMenu].pageX;
submenu.top = document.layers[idMainMenu].pageY + 25;
submenu.visibility = fShow;

leftX = document.layers[idMainMenu+"submenu"].left;
rightX = leftX + document.layers[idMainMenu+"submenu"].clip.width;
leftY = document.layers[idMainMenu+"submenu"].top+
rightY = leftY;
} else if (ie||ns6) {
menu = ie? eval(idMainMenu) : document.getElementById(idMainMenu);
submenu = ie? eval(idMainMenu+"submenu.style") : document.getElementById(idMainMenu+"submenu").style;
submenu.left = calculateSumOffset(menu, 'offsetLeft');
// submenu.top = calculateSumOffset(menu, 'offsetTop') + 30;
submenu.top = menu.style.top+23;
submenu.visibility = fShow;
if (lastMenu != null && lastMenu != submenu) hideAll();

leftX = ie? document.all[idMainMenu+"submenu"].style.posLeft : parseInt(document.getElementById(idMainMenu+"submenu").style.left);
rightX = ie? leftX + document.all[idMainMenu+"submenu"].offsetWidth : leftX+parseInt(document.getElementById(idMainMenu+"submenu").offsetWidth);

leftY = ie? document.all[idMainMenu+"submenu"].style.posTop+
document.all[idMainMenu+"submenu"].offsetHeight : parseInt(document.getElementById(idMainMenu+"submenu").style.top)+parseInt(document.getElementById(idMainMenu+"submenu").offsetHeight);
rightY = leftY;
lastMenu = submenu;

function hideAll()
if (lastMenu != null) {lastMenu.visibility = fHide;lastMenu.left = 0;}

function calculateSumOffset(idItem, offsetName)
var totalOffset = 0;
var item = eval('idItem');
totalOffset += eval('item.'+offsetName);
item = eval('item.offsetParent');
} while (item != null);
return totalOffset;

function updateIt(e)
if (ie&&!opr6)
var x = window.event.clientX;
var y = window.event.clientY;

if (x > rightX || x < leftX) hideAll();
else if (y > rightY) hideAll();
if (n||ns6)
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY;

if (x > rightX || x < leftX) hideAll();
else if (y > rightY) hideAll();

function operahide(){
if (opr6){
if (!MainTable.contains(event.toElement))

if (ie||ns6)
if (document.layers)

<!--Contents of menucontext.js-->

//Top Nav bar script v2.1- http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/sm/index.htm

function showToolbar()
// AddItem(id, text, hint, location, alternativeLocation);
// AddSubItem(idParent, text, hint, location, linktarget);

menu = new Menu();
menu.addItem("webmasterid", "Web Building Sites", "Web Building Sites", null, null);
menu.addItem("newsid", "News Sites", "News Sites", null, null);
menu.addItem("freedownloadid", "Free Downloads", "Free Downloads", null, null);
menu.addItem("searchengineid", "Search Engines", "Search Engines", null, null);
menu.addItem("miscid", "Miscellaneous", "Miscellaneous", null, null);

menu.addSubItem("webmasterid", "Dynamic Drive", "Dynamic Drive", "http://www.dynamicdrive.com/", "");
menu.addSubItem("webmasterid", "JavaScript Kit", "JavaScript Kit", "http://www.javascriptkit.com/", "");
menu.addSubItem("webmasterid", "Web Review", "Web Review", "http://www.webreview.com/", "");
menu.addSubItem("webmasterid", "Freewarejava.com", "Freewarejava.com", "http://www.freewarejava.com/", "_blank");
menu.addSubItem("webmasterid", "Web Monkey", "Web Monkey", "http://www.webmonkey.com/", "_blank");

menu.addSubItem("newsid", "CNN", "CNN", "http://www.cnn.com", "");
menu.addSubItem("newsid", "ABC News", "ABC News", "http://www.abcnews.com", "");
menu.addSubItem("newsid", "MSNBC", "MSNBC", "http://www.msnbc.com", "");
menu.addSubItem("newsid", "CBS news", "CBS News", "http://www.cbsnews.com", "");
menu.addSubItem("newsid", "News.com", "News.com", "http://news.com", "");
menu.addSubItem("newsid", "Wired News", "Wired News", "http://www.wired.com", "");
menu.addSubItem("newsid", "TechWeb", "TechWeb", "http://www.techweb.com", "");

menu.addSubItem("freedownloadid", "Dynamic Drive", "Dynamic Drive", "http://www.dynamicdrive.com/", "");
menu.addSubItem("freedownloadid", "Download.com", "Download.com", "http://download.com/", "");
menu.addSubItem("freedownloadid", "Tucows", "Tucows", "http://tucows.com/", "");

menu.addSubItem("searchengineid", "Yahoo", "Yahoo", "http://www.yahoo.com/", "");
menu.addSubItem("searchengineid", "Google", "Google", "http://www.google.com/", "");
menu.addSubItem("searchengineid", "Excite", "Excite", "http://www.excite.com", "");
menu.addSubItem("searchengineid", "HotBot", "HotBot", "http://www.hotbot.com", "");

menu.addSubItem("miscid", "Cnet", "Cnet", "http://www.cnet.com/", "");
menu.addSubItem("miscid", "RealAudio", "RealAudio", "http://www.realaudio.com/", "");
menu.addSubItem("miscid", "MP3.com", "MP3.com", "http://www.mp3.com/", "");
