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Top Navigational Bar III (v3.5)- Change Log

Written by brothercake.

Below lists the main changes of Top Nav III version 3.5 (Nov 29th, 04') compared to the previous version

  1. More stable in newer mozilla builds, Opera 7 and Safari
  2. Menu open timers
  3. Individually colored links and menus
  4. Support for scaleable text in win/ie, by using keywords like "small" instead of a pixel unit
  5. A variable to specify whether the navbar and menus should print
  6. A variety of speed and efficiency improvements, making it a bit faster to load and process
  7. Many bugfixes for mac/ie5

Upgrading from the previous version to this one is simple - just replace all the component .js script **except** your custom.js config file, and the menus should seamlessly carry on working. But to take advantage of the new features, the following variables should be added to the custom file, at the end of the "POSITIONING AND STYLES" variables:

var openTIMER = 100; // [** new **] menu opening delay time (not 
var openChildTIMER = 200; // [** new **] child-menu opening delay time 
(not ns4/op5/op6)

var allowPRINTING = false; // allow the navbar and menus to print (not 

var arrWIDTH = 13; // [** new **] arrow width (not ns4/op5/op6)
var arrHEIGHT = 13; // [** new **] arrow height (not ns4/op5/op6)

var arrHOFFSET = -1; // [** new **] arrow horizontal offset (not 
var arrVOFFSET = -3; // [** new **] arrow vertical offset (not 
var arrVALIGN = "middle"; // [** new **] arrow vertical align (not 

var arrLEFT = "<"; // [** new **] left arrow (not ns4/op5/op6)
var arrRIGHT = ">"; // [** new **] right arrow (not ns4/op5/op6)

To add support for individual link and menu colors to a current custom.js is a bit tricky, and requires changes to the structure of the menu item in question.- In the downloaded zip file, the included config file demonstrates how this is done. If you wish to customize the color of a specific menu item, you'll need to follow the illustrated format.

The problem with 100% width in firefox is fixed now, but it still requires a resize/reload routine, and I was getting increasing amounts of email from people not wanting that - it is quite annoying if you're not expecting it, and even if you are! So instead, I stopped using the nav stretching on the demo, and used the gridWIDTH and gridHEIGHT variables to specify a 750x500 catchment area, then no reload is needed- scrollbars will only appear when they do would anyway, because the catchment area is smaller than most pages.

This log applies to the exclusive version available only for Dynamic Drive visitors.

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All- Script works with Netscape 4 AND Internet Explorer 4+
NS- Indicates script works with Netscape 4 (NOT NS 6 yet)
IE- Indicates script works with Internet Explorer 4 and above
NS6!- Temporary index set up on script category pages to indicate script works in NS6

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