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Dynamic Progress Bar All

Credits: Dynamic Drive

Description: We illustrate here DHTML's ability to render sophisticated visual interfaces, in this case, a dynamic progress bar. Use it to provide graphical countdown to any action that involves a delay before execution. Here are a few practical examples on using the Dynamic Progress Bar script:

  • To create a countdown before navigating to a new page
  • To scare your visitors by pretending to, for example, scan or upload their harddrive
  • To create a timer (ie: for use in a quiz or game)

It's your call...


Directions: Developer's View

Step 1: Insert the following script into the <head> of your page:

Step 2: Add the below where you wish the progress bar to appear on the page:

Please refer to comments inside to configure time for progress bar to "complete", and action to carry out afterwards.

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All- Script works with Netscape 4 AND Internet Explorer 4+
NS- Indicates script works with Netscape 4 (NOT NS 6 yet)
IE- Indicates script works with Internet Explorer 4 and above
NS6!- Temporary index set up on script category pages to indicate script works in NS6

Copyright © 1998-2004 Dynamic Drive. Please read Terms Of Use here before using any of the scripts.
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