FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+

Drop-down Document Viewer II

Author: Dynamic Drive

Description: Version II of the original drop down document viewer, this script uses text links to allow your visitors to select/ view external documents from your site. Specify whether the selected page is loaded in an inline frame or new window. Note that many prominent web sites do NOT allow loading their web sites inside an IFRAME, such as Google and Yahoo, by way of the X-Frame-Options. In these cases the IFRAME will appear blank, so be sure to check each site you're loading into this script to confirm it works.

Demo: In demo, selected pages are configured to load in an inline frame.

CNN.com | MSNBC | ABC News | BBC UK News

Directions Developer's View

Step 1: Simply add the following to the BODY section of your page

Select All

As shown  inside the code above, links for the script should be set up using the syntax:

<a href="javascript:jumpto('http://www.cnn.com')">CNN.com</a> 
Wordpress Users: Step by Step instructions to add ANY Dynamic Drive script to an entire Wordpress theme or individual Post