//Step Carousel Viewer: By Dynamic Drive, at http://www.dynamicdrive.com //** Created: March 19th, 08' //** Aug 16th, 08'- Updated to v 1.4: //1) Adds ability to set speed/duration of panel animation (in milliseconds) //2) Adds persistence support, so the last viewed panel is recalled when viewer returns within same browser session //3) Adds ability to specify whether panels should stop at the very last and first panel, or wrap around and start all over again //4) Adds option to specify two navigational image links positioned to the left and right of the Carousel Viewer to move the panels back and forth //** Aug 27th, 08'- Nav buttons (if enabled) also repositions themselves now if window is resized //** Sept 23rd, 08'- Updated to v 1.6: //1) Carousel now stops at the very last visible panel, instead of the last panel itself. In other words, no more white space at the end. //2) Adds ability for Carousel to auto rotate dictated by the new parameter: autostep: {enable:true, moveby:1, pause:3000} //2i) During Auto Rotate, Carousel pauses onMouseover, resumes onMouseout. Clicking Carousel halts auto rotate. //** Oct 22nd, 08'- Updated to v 1.6.1, which fixes functions stepBy() and stepTo() not stopping auto stepping of Carousel when called. //** July 10th, 09'- Updated to v 1.6.2- Adds jQuery.noconflict to work better with other libraries //** Sept 29th, 09'- Updated to v 1.8: //1) Adds aility to auto generate pagination images based on the total number of panels within a Carousel and positioned anywhere on the page. //2) The contents of a Carousel can be updated on demand after the page has loaded with new contents from an external file. //3) Fixed a bug causing persistence to not work if multiple Carousels are defined on one page //** June 28th, 10'- Updated to v 1.9: //1) Added alternate "slide" effect to "wraparound" behavior (default is "pushpull"). Affected option: panelbehavior: {speed:500, wraparound:false, wrapbehavior:'slide', persist:true}, //** Aug 15th, 11'- Updated to v 1.91: //1) Fixed animation queuing issue in FF5+ and Chrome when jQuery Library 1.6+ is used. Only .js file changed. // Thanks to jscheuer1 (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/member.php?u=2033) for the tip //** Nov 24th, 14'- Updated to v 2.0: //1) Swiping in mobile devices and mouse dragging to navigate the carousel added //2) Now supports percentage width for carousel container, for responsive/ fluid carousels //3) For pagination circle buttons, switched from default images to HTML/CSS buttons, to reduce loading times //3) Latest version of jQuery v1.11.1 and v2.1.1 support added