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YouTube/ Vimeo Video Outro Script

Author: Dynamic Drive

Description: This jQuery plugin lets you add a custom "outro" to the end of embedded Youtube or Vimeo videos on your site. Youtube/Vimeo typically show related videos once a video has finished playing, though with this script, you can overlay that with a custom DIV showing any desired content instead. The script works by dynamically detecting when the user is at the end of a video, and transitioning in a custom outro when that happens.

Youtube/ Vimeo Outro script works on any IFRAME housing a Youtube or Vimeo video. The only requirement is that the IFRAME be wrapped in a DIV that snugly fits the IFRAME, as the plugin injects the outro DIV into this container.



Directions: Developer's View

Step 1: Insert the following code in the HEAD section of your page

Select All

The code above references the following external files (right click/ select "Save As"):

  1. ddvideooutro.css
  2. ddvideooutro.js

By default, upload these files to the same directory as where your webpage resides.

Step 2: Insert the below sample Youtube and Vimeo videos markup to the BODY of your page.

Select All

And that's it for installation! Read on for more details on setting up the Video Outro script.

Markup for a Youtube or Vimeo video

The markup for your Youtube or Vimeo video should simply be the original IFRAME embed tag supplied by Youtube or Vimeo, but wrapped in a DIV that snugly fits the IFRAME. The reason for the extra wrapper is so the Outro script can use it to inject the outro DIV into, with the later spanning the entire area of the wrapper. This is why the wrapper should fit the IFRAME snugly, so the outro DIV covers the video precisely. Luckily ddvideooutro.css makes sure this is the case already.

The following markup displays a Youtube video that's fluid in dimensions (16:9 aspect ratio), expanding and contracting based on the width of the parent element (ie: BODY tag):

<div id="youtubediv" class="videowrapper fluid">
<iframe type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bZuzfTQZ4TA?rel=0&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Notice the two CSS classes in red, which based on the styles defined inside ddvideooutro.css creates a video container that's fluid in size. The ID attribute helps the script target this particular video container later to add an "outro" effect to it.

For Youtube videos, you can insert parameters at the end of the video URL to control certain aspects of it. Here we're adding "?rel=0&autoplay=1" to inform the script to show no related videos at the end, plus automatically play the video when the page loads.

IMPORTANT: The parameter "enablejsapi=1" must be added to your Youtube videos' URL inside each IFRAME in order for the Outro script to work properly. It sets the proper permission for scripts to control the video player.

Moving on, you can also display a video that's fluid in dimensions but with a maximum width (so the video container never exceeds that width). To do this, simply wrap the markup shown above in another DIV with "max-width" defined, for example:

<div style="max-width:640px">
	<div id="youtubediv" class="videowrapper fluid">
	<iframe type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bZuzfTQZ4TA?rel=0&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1" frameborder="0"></iframe>

And finally, if you want your Youtube or Vimeo video to be fixed in dimension, the following markup does the trick:

<div id="vimeodiv" class="videowrapper" style="width:640px;height:368px">
<iframe type="text/html" width="640" height="368" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/182169177?portrait=0&title=0&byline=0&badge=0&autoplay=1" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Notice that we still add a "videowrapper" class to the IFRAME's parent container, but not the "fluid" class this time. Instead, we define explicit CSS width/height properties to set its dimensions in stone.

In the last example, we're embedding a Vimeo video. We've also added parameters to the end of the URL to customize its behaviour as Vimeo makes available, in this case, to hide any extraneous info that by default shows up at the beginning of the video such as "title", and also, to auto play the video.

Initializing the Video Outro script on a video container

With the expected HTML structure for our Youtube or Vimeo embeds out of the way, next is to initialize the Video Outro script on them. Inside the HEAD section of your page, call the jQuery function $(selector).ddvideooutro(), where selector is a valid jQuery selector referencing the video IFRAME"s parent container. At its simplest this looks like the following:

$(function(){ // on DOM load
	$('#youtubediv').ddvideooutro() // initialize outro on Youtube video container

where "#youtubediv" references the video container with ID "youtubediv", with no options passed into ddvideooutro().

Outro template customization

By default when you call $(selector).ddvideooutro(), the plugin looks for a hidden DIV on the page with ID="outrotemplate" that you should define to use as the contents for the outro:

<div id="outrotemplate" style="display:none">
Outro contents here...

This DIV acts as a "template" that each video with an outro on your page draws upon by default to populate its outro using. You can specify a different template DIV on the page to use when calling $(selector).ddvideooutro() by passing in the "templateid: id" option:

$(function(){ // on DOM load
		templateid: 'outrotemplate2'
	}) // initialize outro on Youtube video container

With the "tempateid" option defined, the selected videos will look for a template DIV on the page with the specified ID (ie: 'outrotemplate2') as the source of their outros' content.

Modifying the bottom gap between the outro and video container

When an outro slides down at the end of a video playback, it leaves a gap at the end so the video controls aren't obscured. The default length of the gap is 42px (as specified inside ddvideooutro.css), which plays nicely with Youtube videos. For vimeo videos where the controls are larger, a gap of 50px works better. To modify the outro bottom gap from the default value defined inside ddvideooutro.css, make use of the bottomgap option when calling $(selector).ddvideooutro():

$(function(){ // on DOM load
		bottomgap: 50
	}) // initialize outro on Youtube video container

This creates a 50px gap between the bottom of the outro and video player.

Lack of outro gap on mobile devices

On mobile devices, the embedded Youtube or Vimeo player doesn't show any controls at the end of the video playback. The default 42px gap at the bottom of the outro therefore becomes unnecessary. Inside ddvideooutro.css, the CSS @media query at the very end removes the gap on devices with device width 750px or less:

@media (max-device-width: 750px){ /* on mobile devices*/
	bottom: 0 !important; /* Outro should slide down completely (no gap at the bottom) */

Adjust the media query as desired to target more precisely particular mobile devices.